Online gardening searches rocket by 650% as the hunt for Black Friday bargains begins early

A woman holding up shopping bags emblazoned with 'SALE' and 'BLACK FRIDAY'

With online searches for “Black Friday Gardening Deals” rocketing by 650% in the past week, it seems gardeners are out to bag a bargain.

Black Friday is no longer just a Friday. Gone are the days of crowds at supermarkets, jostling for TVs at heavily discounted prices. It’s now all about shopping online, scrolling for the best deals from the comfort of your sofa – and now even the time constraints of doing so on one day are gone. Black Friday deals seemingly span November, not just the last Friday of the month that the day actually falls on, and this year it feels earlier than ever.

It’s been well documented that in recent years, the popularity of gardening has soared with more than seven million people in the UK reported to have discovered the joys of gardening. But faced with cost of living, and concerns over rising heating bills again this winter, shoppers are seeking the best gardening bargains to keep their green fingers happy. And what better opportunity than Black Friday!

This year we’re seeing demand for Black Friday deals be stronger and earlier than ever before – and at a time when the gardening world traditionally goes a little quieter with people hunkering down inside! Across the board with our clients, we’ve seen piqued interest in sales, promotions and Black Friday deals from those wanting to feed their gardening habit, but without breaking the bank.

What can brands do to capitalise on Black Friday?

Here are our top tips for what you should be doing to maximise the marketing activities that come from this who sales opportunity!

  • Firstly, make sure the deals are worth shouting about. 50p off isn’t going to grab headlines!
  • Be creative! The key to Black Friday success is standing out from the crowd, it’s a busy marketing space so think of something different!
  • Use this as opportunity to thank your loyal customers – give them extra discounts, or early access to deals with email campaigns. It can also be a great way to boost your email sign ups by encouraging people to sign up ahead of the deals going live
  • Let media know about what promotions you’ve got on – there will undoubtedly be many articles popping up over the next week flagging the best bargains to be had. Make sure your brand is featured!
  • Ramp up your social media content teasing the deals and then shouting about them when they are live. Bring in countdowns to the deals closing to introduce a sense of urgency to get those indecisive customers across the line
  • Jump on trends and hashtags – don’t just leave your social activity to prescheduled posts and let it roll. Be reactive to what is going on in the marketplace and what your potential customers are seeking
  • Increase your digital and social advertising spend to make more people aware of your deals, factor in geo-targeting too if you have physical stores
  • Partner with influencers to get them to shout about your deals
  • Our final tip, and this is a biggy… Don’t just sit back thinking Black Friday is complete! Engage with the new followers, customers and audiences that it all brings! Send follow up emails, keep your social media engaging and keep shouting about how wonderful you are!

If you want to chat about how you can break through the noise for Black Friday and beyond, then get in touch!