Stress Awareness Month

Team Honest - Honest Communications, a specialist garden and home PR agency, social media management, content creation and communications agency

April is Stress Awareness Month, a month of recognition for both the causes and cures of stress that has taken place since 1992. Unfortunately there are millions of us in the UK dealing with stress on a daily basis. It can be a significant factor in mental health, but also physical health too and is linked with conditions such as heart disease, insomnia and digestive problems. Research has shown that one in 14 adults feel stressed every single day with 18-24 year olds feeling stressed more often than any age group.

The theme this year chosen by the Stress Management Society is community. A theme chosen to increase the awareness around loneliness and isolation, especially from the damage caused from the pandemic.

A community is far more than a collection of people. It is about feeling a sense of belonging and connection to others, as well as being supported and accepted by them. One of the most important aspects of our lives is our relationships. People who are more socially connected to their family, friends, or community are happier, physically healthier, and live longer lives with fewer mental health problems than those who are less well connected.

The Honest Community

Here at Honest, we do a lot to make sure our community is a welcoming place and that we regularly take time out to help stop stress encroaching, and to make being at work enjoyable.

Outings and Fuddling around!

We love all things food here at Honest, especially a fuddle! On every special occasion, or simply just because we fancy one, we enjoy an array of different ‘picky’ foods, where each team member brings in a couple of different items. We send spend time chatting and eating in the kitchen at Honest HQ! Of course we also love an outing! We try to have team outings every couple of months along with lunches out too – this really helps boost a sense of community within the team!

The Bulletin

We love to celebrate what is happening at Honest, whether that be winning a new client, attending an event, an exciting campaign kicking off or simply something personal happening in our lives. Each month, we have the Honest Bulletin where a different member of the team collates all of the great things happening! We include our pets, professional development, new members of the team, all our client wins and much more for the month to create an email for everyone to read, ending the month on a truly positive note and boosting team morale!

Well-deserved coffee breaks

It is easy to get caught up in your to do list every week, and get into writing zones, especially working from home. Every Thursday, when working from home we have a team online coffee break, these allow time for the team to de-stress and relax, with either a coffee or a tea (or a cold drink, or no drink at all). The break allows the team a much-needed step away from the pressure and allows for some time to talk amongst the team of our weekend plans, what food we plan on cooking and showing everyone our pets for a weekly update and cuddle through the screen!

Wellbeing Budget

At Honest, wellbeing is a priority. We know that there are many things that can take their toll on your wellness and Honest try to encourage the team with a wellbeing budget that you can spend on anything from a relaxing spa day to some new walking boots or simply a nice box of chocolates.

Hybrid Working

We’re loving hybrid working and most weeks we’re in the office in for two days and then the rest of the time is working from home. This gives us a nice mix of seeing each other in person for a natter and catch up on the latest with client activity, but then time to crack on without distractions and to be productive too. At Honest, our core working hours are 10 until 3, however we also offer flexitime outside of these hours to allow for other opportunities, such as spending more time with family and friends (or pets in our case)!

We understand that work can be a stressful environment from time to time, and at work you want to feel a sense of community. Working from home can be isolating, but also beneficial, as we all still learn to adjust to a new way of working we want to ensure that the Honest community is encouraged and our team are supported.

With the ways of working changing, we would love to know what works best for you! What are you enjoying most about hybrid working or what alternative perks have you seen offered that work well? Let us know!