Social Media trends to keep an eye on for 2022

Honest Communications, a specialist garden and home PR agency, social media management, content creation and communications agency

In 2021, people spent nearly two and a half hours per day on average on social media – that’s a huge 61% increase from 2012! Plus, with the ongoing pandemic forcing us all to become more digitally savvy, social media has become an integral part of day-to-day life for many of us.

Given the significance of social media on not only consumers’ lives, but also marketers and businesses too, it is important to stay in tune with the ever-changing digital trends in order to stand out from the crowd in a very demanding environment. Staying on top of trends can help you strengthen and mould your social strategy.

Here are our suggestions of the top trends that are set to storm on social media in 2022.

Video content  

One of the single most engaging forms of content on social media is video. According to research, 82% of all online content will be video content in 2022, showing the importance and demand to start or continue utilising video content. With the success of stories, reels and TikTok, it’s important to realise that short engaging videos are the way forward to keep people and customers interested on social platforms.

Influencer marketing  

It’s no surprise that influencer marketing continues to grow. As more and more well-known brands seek to work with micro-influencers, marketing spend increases for influencer marketing. This element of social marketing can provide excellent results for your business, being that micro-influencers are more than likely targeting to a niche market, which creates higher engagement and ultimately costs much less. It may however be difficult to find the right influencers which align correctly with your brand, and there’s a lot to think about before you jump in (something which we wrote about here)

User generated content  

Find ways of connecting with customers and audiences on an emotional level. Make things relatable. One of the best ways of doing this is through user generated content (UGC). So, it’s understandable why brands share this sort of content. UGC increases trust between customer and brand as it is content based on the experience that other people have had with the product or service. Our recommendation is that if you have never tried UGC – try it!  Using consumer images can be the ultimate endorsement that gives that final push to a customer if they are on the fence about buying your product or using your service.

Social media for customer service  

Social media used to just simply be a place to connect with others, keep in touch with family and share updates, photos, and the occasional video. Fast forward to now and social media is so much more!  According to research, by 2023 it is expected that 60% of service requests will be solved digitally. As social media can be as negative as quickly as it can positive, it is important to ensure high levels of customer service are kept at all times on all platforms.

Content specific trends  

Finally, one of the key trends to keep a firm eye on in 2022 is the content itself. Of course, there are there are many developments that affect social media, but what exactly are we expecting to see in terms of content? Some of the main topics we are likely to see this year are sustainability, mental health, entertainment, and grow your own with a homemade focus.

Luckily enough we know a thing or two about sustainability and gardening AND social media of course. So, you can be sure that we can help you get your content in front of the right people.

But, if you’re prefer to go it alone, one of the best ways to find out what is topical is to use tools such as, and to then use the results to inform your content strategy.

Addressing and implementing these trends could give you a head start on your competitors. However, as we all know, digital environments are changing constantly, so, the continued analysis and checking of trends is just as essential. What may have worked last year may not work now, so it’s important to keep your eye on the upcoming trends so you’re ahead of the game!

At Honest, we understand the constant need to keep on top of trends but also recognise that this can be time consuming. But good news! You don’t need to worry about that! With our range of social media services, we can do all the hard work, so you don’t have to! Get in touch to have a chat about how we can help.